Spring, Table Lamp
''There is always a kind of disappointment when the material becomes fossilized in its natural state. The bright and bubbling lava crystallizes into black pebbles, the incandescent glass paste neutralizes and cools off... I tried to revive the matter and make it walk the opposite way. Towards a return to life'' ML
Liquid Marble Series, V&AMollien, Floor LampLiquid Marble Series, Petite LoireS.M.O.K.E, Table LampHigh S.M.O.K.E, Floor LampDelicious, CabinetsLightDome, ChandelierSunflower, ChandelierBucky's, SeatLiquid Marble Series, MilanLabGate, PortalTomorrow Is Another Day, Weather ExperienceAge of the World, Ceramic JarsFlat Surgery, RugChester Club, Punching Bag